Weight Loss Cleanses: Do They Work?


The topic ‘weight loss’ can repeatedly be seen being pondered over, discussed, and researched upon for the benefit of one and all. Everyone wants to lose weight. Some opt for sustainable methods whilst some take refuge in crash diets and the likes. Various methods are being tried and tested to attain people’s desired goals. This article covers the role of weight loss cleanses in a person’s weight loss journey, what to expect from it and who should steer clear from it.

Lemonade diet

What Are Weight Loss Cleanses

Just as the name suggests, weight loss cleanses are yet another approach to attaining weight loss by cleansing or omitting certain types of food from your diet that may trigger weight gain. There is no hard and fast rule as to what needs to be included in a weight loss cleanse if one plans to go for it. Different types of cleanses are practiced by people to lose weight. The main factor which decides the formulation and opting of these cleanses are fat loss from specific body parts, weight loss and sometimes simply if the person is willing to rid the body of toxins or in other words detoxify the body of impurities. Weight loss cleanses give prompt results. However, happiness garnered thus is short-lived as it triggers rapid weight loss and the lost pounds may get right back into the body after a month or so.

Of the varieties of cleanses that people popularly opt for, one of the more sought-after forms is completely avoiding consumption of a particular type of food from your diet. Common food types that are avoided are:

  • Processed food
  • Junk or deep-fried food
  • Sugary treats and drinks
  • Soy
  • Dairy and dairy products
  • Alcohol
  • Gluten
  • Wheat

Other forms of cleanses include resorting to herbal cleanse supplements, adding specific types of teas to your diet, drinking herb infused-water, etc. Some people resort to specific exercise forms to attain this feat. Most weight loss cleanses are brief programs followed for short periods and often it does not facilitate long term weight loss or fat loss. However, before opting for an Ozempic weight loss cleanse program it would be wise to consult your nutritionist or garner more information from a health expert as to how much food needs to be omitted from your diet and for how long. Long-term and deliberate deprivation of specific nutrients from the body would do more harm than good so better to seek expert advice before opting for the same.

Benefits of Weight Loss Cleanses

A major requirement of weight loss cleansing programs that is worth mentioning is the fact that they promote healthy foods to be included in one’s diet and the omission of unhealthy foods that may trigger weight gain. Most cleansing programs encourage the consumption of whole foods inclusive of specific meals which are rich in nutrients, low in calories, and is good for the overall health of the person. Some studies have shown specific weight loss cleanses to reduce fasting blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes whereas others have shown to promote a healthy heart. It is also a widely known fact that weight loss does improve a person’s overall health and weight loss cleanses do assist in this regard. They work as a motivating factor that encourages people to stick to a healthy weight.

Although it may seem a bit taxing initially to restrict certain types of food completely whilst the program lasts but once the person gets a gist of the general wellness that one feels owing to the program, sticking to the plan seems like a breeze. Slowly, not only do weight loss cleanses assist the person to achieve their weight loss goal but it also helps the person to get rid of frequent hunger pangs as well as reduce cravings and binge-eating habits. Weight loss cleanses also help to treat minor digestive issues like bloating, flatulence, acidity, etc that commonly arise due to unhealthy food habits

Common Types of Weight Loss Cleanses

Let us take a look at some popular cleanses that people tend to go for.

  1. Juice cleanses – as the name suggests, this program requires the person to consume only specific types of vegetable and fruit juices and to completely avoid consumption of all other types of food from one’s diet. Normally this program lasts for up to 7 days.
  2. Green Smoothie cleanse – this program lasts for 10 days and calls for the person to consume smoothies made out of fruits and vegetables and to completely restrict the diet from all other forms of food except vegetables rich in starch.
  3. Lemonade diet – this cleanse is referred to as the master cleanse and lasts for a period of 10 days. The only food allowed during this time is water, lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper.
  4. Whole 30 – this variety of weight loss cleanse calls for the person to strictly adhere to dietary modifications for 30 days. Lean proteins, fruits and vegetables can be consumed in abundance. However, during this period dairy, sugar, legumes, alcohol, etc should be completely avoided

Negative Effects of Weight Loss Cleanses

Although weight loss cleanses do garner positive results in terms of short-term weight loss, one must not overlook the negative impacts it may have on some people. It is important to remember that weight loss cleanses don’t have scientific backing so health experts don’t usually recommend this method for someone who is looking to lose weight healthily. Also, these cleanse promote rapid weight loss in very short periods so it may harm the body in ways more than one. Dehydration, nutritional deficiencies, and the formation of gallstones have been some of the most commonly reported adverse effects of weight loss cleanses. Also, in some people, it could give rise to eating disorders as they may take a liking to this method of rapid weight loss. Such disorders can disrupt a person’s emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Those with underlying health conditions and chronic health diseases should indulge in a thorough discussion with their doctor before they opt for any weight loss plan especially the likes of weight loss cleanses.

Things To Remember

Before deciding to go for any weight loss plan it is good to make some notes to prepare one’s mind and body for the same to garner best results. Listed below are some of those:

  • Ask yourself if embarking on this journey is for health reasons or to simply look thin physically. If your answer is ‘yes’ for the former then you are on the right track.
  • Make a list of diet programs that suits your lifestyle and pocket, and short-list what may best work for you and your bodily needs.
  • Speak to your doctor or consult a nutritionist in order to play it safe.
  • Make a list of ingredients you may need to stick to as part of the program and stock up on the pantry.
  • Try to stick to a sensible weight loss plan so that it helps u in the long run.
  • Make sure it does not interfere with your medication in case you have existing health issues.
  • Focus on your goal.
  • Measure your success with the plan only once you have completed the time needed to finish it.
  • No matter which plans you opt for include daily exercises as part of your day’s routine

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If someone is looking to lose weight sustainably and healthily then weight loss cleanses may not be the right choice for you. However, occasionally if you are desperate to lose some pounds to fit into your favorite clothes to wear to an occasion then it is alright to go for these cleanses so long as you don’t have any underlying health issues. Just make sure you don’t get used to this idea in the long run as it may harm your body as discussed above. Be it weight loss or fat loss, it is best to stick to a realistic approach to garner sensible results.

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