Category: Diet Tips

  • 7 Benefits of Almonds That Will Surprise You

    Almonds and its Nutrients In today’s world, Fat loss often considered one of the major obsessions. But on the other hand, Fat is also vital to carry out various functions of the body. Among those functions, one is the absorption of vitamins from soluble fats. Almonds are the clear winner when it comes to boosting…

  • Weight Loss Cleanses: Do They Work?

    Introduction  The topic ‘weight loss’ can repeatedly be seen being pondered over, discussed, and researched upon for the benefit of one and all. Everyone wants to lose weight. Some opt for sustainable methods whilst some take refuge in crash diets and the likes. Various methods are being tried and tested to attain people’s desired goals.…

  • How To Make A Satisfying Smoothie

    It is difficult to identify the disadvantages of smoothies. These blended drinks are not only simple to create but also portable, making them ideal for on-the-go meals and snacks. Plus, they are a great way to meet your daily fruit and vegetable requirements. Though you may believe that creating a smoothie is as easy as…

  • Gaining Weight After Working Out? Here’s Why?

    So, you finally decided to step on your weight loss journey with 100% dedication. Got yourself a workout regime designed and you are sticking to it with utmost dedication and being consistent. But instead of seeing the numbers drop on the weight scale, you are saying that you are actually gaining weight. How can you…

  • Stable Weight Tied To Cognitive Function As You Age

    Ever since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the majority of the people in the world have begun to take health seriously. Earlier it was only fan tired and extra fancy jeans that were looked upon for being healthy. However, after the onset of coronavirus all over the world, people have started to take their…

  • Oatmeal Diet For Weight Loss

    Oatmeal Diet For Weight Loss

    Unhealthy weight gain is the leading factor that gives rise to many health woes. In our quest to explore and eat delicious food, one forgets the importance of eating healthy. Every other person we know today is a food blogger in this age of social-media dependence and many youngsters as well as adults fall prey…

  • The Unbearable Weight Of Diet Culture

    For several generations now, we have all been drilled with this one single and mundane notion of there is a very “right” way of eating if you want to achieve a body that is very healthy and attractive. And we are also told that having a body as such will help us lead a much…

  • Intermittent Fasting Offers Benefits Beyond Weight Loss

    Bygone are times when people spoke of diets and workouts for the sole purpose of losing weight alone to resemble magazine models. The current smarter generation, being equipped with the knowledge to match, is gripped with the need to become the best version of themselves where more than weight loss itself, healthy weight loss is…

  • 12 Possible Ways Intermittent Fasting is Beneficial for Your Health

    12 Possible Ways Intermittent Fasting is Beneficial for Your Health

    Intermittent Fasting, also called IF, is hot amongst dieters worldwide. There are many reasons for IF’s popularity. This diet affects most, if not all, systems of your body. You lose weight, improve your response to metabolic disorders like diabetes, lower LDL Cholesterol, blood pressure, and ditch the ugly stomach fat. Phew! And, you live longer…