Author: Kitchen Table Medicine

  • The 411 on BlueChew

    Erectile Dysfunction is more common than one can imagine. There are many different causes of ED that includes physical, psychological and emotional factors. But, not everyone is comfortable seeking treatment. Apart from the different misconception regarding ED, many men are embarrassed to talk about it to their partners or their doctors. The physical condition then…

  • Intermittent Fasting Offers Benefits Beyond Weight Loss

    Bygone are times when people spoke of diets and workouts for the sole purpose of losing weight alone to resemble magazine models. The current smarter generation, being equipped with the knowledge to match, is gripped with the need to become the best version of themselves where more than weight loss itself, healthy weight loss is…

  • Our Favorite Exercises To Relieve Stress

    Our Favorite Exercises To Relieve Stress

    There’s not a single person on this planet earth who hasn’t felt the heat of stress, isn’t it? Stress has reached the level that it has become a universal experience for each one of us. Everybody gets stressed out and many think it’s a very normal part of their life as well; However, this shouldn’t…

  • Myth Busted: Exercising at Night Doesn’t Ruin Your Sleep

    Exercise is and definitely should be an essential part of everyone’s life. Without exercise, people’s health suffers tremendous loss and disadvantage and loses its flexibility and shape in really no time. That is why exercising is considered one of the unavoidable things in our life daily. However, the most critical question that arises in young…

  • Endocannabinoid System and CBD: How it Works?

    Nature offers a lot of herbs and plants that can benefit the human body. One needs to consume them in a way that can offer desired benefits keeping the side effects away. Cannabis also has lots of medicinal benefits if it is taken in the right manner. It can help one to have a calm…

  • 12 Possible Ways Intermittent Fasting is Beneficial for Your Health

    12 Possible Ways Intermittent Fasting is Beneficial for Your Health

    Intermittent Fasting, also called IF, is hot amongst dieters worldwide. There are many reasons for IF’s popularity. This diet affects most, if not all, systems of your body. You lose weight, improve your response to metabolic disorders like diabetes, lower LDL Cholesterol, blood pressure, and ditch the ugly stomach fat. Phew! And, you live longer…

  • Anabolic Steroids May Affect Male Fertility

    How Anabolic steroids work? Anabolic steroid is a human-made drug focused on building up the manly characteristics in the men. This anabolic steroid prepared artificially is a kind of supplement to the already present hormones in the male body. As Testosterone is an essential hormone for the development of a male body, this drug increase…

  • Low Testosterone: Are You at Risk?

    Hormones helps in regulating various important functions in the human body. While some hormones are common in both men and women, some of them are quite different. One such hormone is that of testosterone. Testosterone is the male sex hormone, which is made in the testicles. This hormone is very important for normal male sexual…

  • 5 Yoga Asanas That Will Treat Groin Pain

    Groin pain is not very common and can be embarrassing to address. Pain in the area of your hip that is between your stomach and thigh can be termed as groin pain. Groin area includes 5 muscles that help you to move your leg. These are adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, gracilis, and pectineus.…

  • TestoGen Review

    Testosterone is an important hormone in both men and women. But, in men, it is found in much larger quantity and is a measure of manhood. It is responsible for the development of many male characteristics. But, the body needs to continue with the production of testosterone levels for it to work properly. Its production…