The 411 on BlueChew

Erectile Dysfunction is more common than one can imagine. There are many different causes of ED that includes physical, psychological and emotional factors. But, not everyone is comfortable seeking treatment. Apart from the different misconception regarding ED, many men are embarrassed to talk about it to their partners or their doctors. The physical condition then gives way to depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders making the condition worse.

If you have been looking for a male enhancer product online, one of the products you are most likely to come across is BlueChew. It has gained popularity among men because of its quick, simple and convenient ordering process. The medications offered through the service are Tadalafil and Sildenafil and are considered to be effective to ease ED symptoms. If you are curious to know what BlueChew is and if it is any good, read on.

What is BlueChew?

To help prevent men from going through these, a team of entrepreneurs has designed a service called BlueChew that can greatly help men with ED. BlueChew is an online service offering a monthly supply of chewable medications to men who want to improve their sex life and get rid of ED. The company behind this unique service believes that the medical facilities in the US are becoming outdated. People have to wait for long hours and sometimes even days to get proper assessment and prescription for their ED problems. Even then, men have to go through the embarrassment to schedule an appointment with the doctor at their clinics as there is little discretion. BlueChew connects men with erectile dysfunction directly with medical experts to get a quick assessment of their problems and to get prescription for their condition. The pills can be ordered online. BlueChew aims to offer an alternative to men look to seek ED treatment but without the need to meet with a doctor and then purchase medications from a drug store.


BlueChew Sildenafil vs. Tadalafil

The two medications offered by BlueChew are Sildenafil and Tadalafil, and there is quite a major difference between them. Sildenafil is the main ingredient in widely used ED medication ‘Viagra’. The main function of the ingredient is to help men achieve stronger erection and sustain it for longer for satisfying sexual intercourse. Its effects last for about 4-6 hours, allowing you to make full use of its hardening effects. Sildenafil also serves a number of other secondary functions such as to treat depression, increase sexual appetite, enhance stamina and others.

Tadalafil is the main ingredient that is also widely used in another ED medication called Cialis. Even though it is similar to Sildenafil and help increase blood flow to the penis, it remains in the body for much longer than Sildenafil. It will remain in your system for about 24-36 hours. It is best for those looking to move at their own pace. Tadalafil is also effective for men with prostate or bladder problem.

How Does BlueChew Work?

The main purpose of BlueChew is to offer medication for erectile dysfunction available to men without any embarrassment of consulting with a doctor face-to-face. To order the medications, all one needs to do is fill a medical questionnaire on the website. A certified health practitioner will review all the answers, and if you are a good candidate for the prescription, you will be provided with a prescription (most of the time within a 24 hour period). Once you receive the prescription, you need to pick a plan that would be best for you. There are two different medications to choose from – Sildenafil and Tadalafil. You also need to decide the number of pills you would need in a month. Once the payment is processed, you receive your medication in a discreet package. You can keep the subscription, and you will keep on receiving the BlueChew packaging till you decide to stop it. You can cancel the subscription any day you want.

BlueChew is not like any other ED medicines; it is in a chewable form making it more effective for men as it is easy to digest. The moment men take medicine, it immediately shows results.

How Much Does BlueChew Cost?

As mentioned above, BlueChew offers two prescription medications – Sildenafil and Tadalafil. You can purchase the plan directly from their website The price of each depends on the number of pills and the dosage you order every month. The price ranges anywhere from $20 to $120.


Dosage No. of Chewable Price
30 mg 6 $20
10 $30
17 $50
34 $90
45 mg 6 $30
10 $40
17 $65
34 $120


Dosage No. of Chewable Price
6 mg 4 $20
7 $30
14 $50
28 $90
9 mg 4 $30
7 $40
14 $65
28 $120

The company also offers a free trial that would allow you to test the products and know if it is right for you.


  • No need for in-person consultation needed
  • Medication packed in a discreet package
  • Ingredients are FDA approved
  • Chewable rather than to be taken with water
  • Multiple plans to choose from
  • Much cheaper than other ED medications
  • Kicks in Fast
  • Made in the USA


  • Payment needs to be made online
  • Available only in a few countries
  • They do not accept health insurance

Are There Any Side Effects?

There are no major side effects to taking the medications. Some minor side effects that a few men have reported in their initial days include –

  • Headache
  • Flushing
  • Runny nose
  • Upset stomach
  • Muscle pain
  • Nausea

However, these issues might have been due to other medications or combining pills with alcohol or drugs. If you happen to experience any of the side effects, it is best to consult with your doctor immediately. Also, if you have any serious health condition such as diabetes, hypertension or any other diseases, speak to your doctor before you start these medications.

Who is BlueChew for and Who Should Avoid It?

If it is getting difficult for you to enjoy sex or you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, BlueChew might be essential for you. Not just older men, but even younger men with sexual dysfunction can use it. It is a great service to subscribe to that can increase your sexual performance and even save your relationship with your spouse. For safety, men with conditions in the liver, heart or kidney should avoid it. If you are not sure, it is best to talk to your doctor. Taking it, excessively can lead to unwanted issues so one must take only what is prescribed.

Key Takeaways

BlueChew allows men to get access to effective and affordable treatments for erectile dysfunction or just to boost their libido. If you live in the United States or any other country where the company ships its products, you should definitely give it a try. The chewable tablets make it quite convenient to use and also work quite quickly than pills. The free trial offered by the company makes it easier for you to decide if it is beneficial for you in any way. The medication has helped plenty of men out there improve their sex life. Since every man is different, there is no guarantee that the medication will solve ED. But, the reviews of BlueChew have proved that it can greatly improve sex life for most men who have used it.

Intermittent Fasting Offers Benefits Beyond Weight Loss

Bygone are times when people spoke of diets and workouts for the sole purpose of losing weight alone to resemble magazine models. The current smarter generation, being equipped with the knowledge to match, is gripped with the need to become the best version of themselves where more than weight loss itself, healthy weight loss is prioritized upon, and in the process, they want to ensure their overall health improves. Various new-age methods have been adopted to suffice the same where intermittent fasting seems to have won the hearts of the majority of fitness enthusiasts. This article will cover in-depth why intermittent fasting is preferred over other weight loss plans and the various health benefits it has in store.

Intermittent Fasting

What Is Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting, as the name suggests, is a method of fasting where people are required to fast and eat; repeat the same and continue the process in a similar alternating manner. Extensive studies have been conducted to show the various health benefits that intermittent fasting provides. Apart from assisting in weight loss, intermittent fasting is said to enhance metabolism, provide the body the protection it needs to fight diseases, uplift mood, improve one’s energy level and increase longevity by following a disciplined lifestyle. Mainly based on when you are required to eat, intermittent fasting is easy to follow provided one is determined, dedicated and consistent. The interesting thing about intermittent fasting is that it does not impose any food restrictions as such. Health experts claim that people involuntarily anyway fast daily and this happens when they are asleep. All that intermittent fasting calls for is to fast slightly longer comparatively. There are various types of this fasting method that one can adopt depending on factors like health requirements, convenience, gender, etc. A point to bear in mind is to avoid eating completely whilst fasting and to load up on nutritious food when not fasting. Of the various types, 16/8 method is most preferred where you fast for a 16-hourly period and then eat for 8 straight hours. Other forms are 5:2 fasting, time-restricted fasting, eat-stop-eat, overnight fasting and others.

Health Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

Just as our mind and body need rest for self-rejuvenation, so does the metabolic system inside of our body. Many a time people tend to overeat which creates havoc within our bodies unseen to the eye. This is where practices like fasting can come in our favor in immeasurable ways. Intermittent fasting specifically holds significance in this regard. Not only does it assist in weight loss but it also provides the body with various other benefits. Let us take a look at some of those:

  1. Blood sugar control – intermittent fasting helps to improve the blood sugar levels of diabetic patients. Many studies have been conducted on the subject to substantiate this claim. Upon calculating the calorie intake of some sugar patients, researchers made them eat for 6 hours straight, with fasting for the remaining hours, for 5 weeks, and found that there was no spike in the blood sugar levels of those people and instead the readings significantly improved.
  2. Better blood pressure readings – for years studies have proved that those who fast for religious purposes have always had healthier hearts as compared to those who don’t fast at all. This automatically led to the belief that practicing intermittent fasting would garner similar results. In the majority of cases with people who followed intermittent fasting, the blood pressure readings garnered satisfactory results. However, it is best to avoid unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking, etc for the best results.
  3. Improved Metabolism – our bodies are naturally equipped with organs and internal parts that help us withstand extreme conditions of drought and food scarcity. So, fasting for a few good hours would do us no harm, provided during the non-fasting period we provide our body with nutritious meals as and when required. Fasting shifts our body’s natural metabolism sufficing the body to withstand the period lacking in food and water. During fasting, when the body lacks in carbohydrates, stored fatty acids and ketones within take their place giving rise to ketosis which in turn efficiently produces the energy the body requires to function. In this manner, fasting helps assist metabolism even in the absence of food.
  4. Reduces inflammation – regular and continuous eating causes the body to function without a break leading to a spike in heart diseases and diabetes. Fasting, however, gives the body time to rest to self-repair the cells which reduce the risk of diabetes, improves heart health and thus results in a significant reduction of inflammation. Several studies have been conducted to back this claim.
  5. Better cholesterol readings – fasting can reduce the bad cholesterol levels in our body also known as LDL. Spike in LDL levels can lead to various diseases so it is important to keep our cholesterol levels under control. In this regard, intermittent fasting can be beneficial to those suffering from high cholesterol issues.
  6. Improved brain health – during fasting, when the body is in the state of ketosis, the protein responsible for the health and sustenance of neurons gets stimulated which in turn improves memory power. Neurons are in charge of transmitting nerve impulses so fasting helps enhance this process. Studies conducted on both animals and humans have substantiated this finding. Verbal memory, ability to think, better decision making are certain areas that showed improvement as a result of fasting.
  7. Intermittent fasting has shown a multiplication in growth hormones for up to 5 times its normal count. This in turn promotes muscle gain and fat loss. It also increases the production of the fat-burning hormone called norepinephrine.

Who Should Refrain From Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is not designed for everyone to follow as a means for weight loss and to reap other health benefits. Some people who should refrain from this form of fasting are as follows:

  • Those with eating disorders are better off refraining from intermittent fasting, especially those used to binge eating or have bulimia. This is because intermittent fasting calls for following a disciplined diet which may not be possible for the aforementioned set of people. And thus it may cause more harm than good.
  • Those having type 1 diabetes and suffering from chronic health issues(like cancer) are better off refraining from intermittent fasting to avoid adverse health issues.
  • Pregnant women are advised by health experts to not follow intermittent fasting as they need to continuously supply nutrients not only to the baby but to themselves as well. So, eating often is important and fasting during pregnancy is never a good idea.
  • Sportspeople who are undergoing strenuous training sessions need to refrain from intermittent fasting as they need high levels of energy to perform well. Therefore, adequate nutrient intake is essential often in smaller portions, and hence fasting is not a wise choice for them to achieve goals.


Intermittent fasting is a sure shot solution to get rid of those flabs and conquer your weight goals. The countless other health benefits that one can reap by following this healthy fasting method comes by as a boon no doubt. But before blindly following any weight loss routine, always make it a point to speak to your doctor to ensure the chosen method poses no other health risk. Especially those with underlying health conditions need to practice more caution than the rest. And once the doctor gives the green signal know that you are on the right track as long as consistency is made the key to unlocking the fitness goals of your dreams.

Our Favorite Exercises To Relieve Stress

There’s not a single person on this planet earth who hasn’t felt the heat of stress, isn’t it? Stress has reached the level that it has become a universal experience for each one of us. Everybody gets stressed out and many think it’s a very normal part of their life as well; However, this shouldn’t be the case! Okay, you are undergoing some stress but it doesn’t mean that you have to find a way to deal with it. The competitive world that we live in, the deadlines that we need to meet, the traveling in traffic, the stress of paying your bills, buying groceries, raising your kids, battling that extra bubbles, meal planning — all of these scream stress! According to statistics, in the United States of America alone every seven adults out of ten report that they feel some kind of stress all the other daily. You see, different people have different stressors; this is something that once it starts negatively affecting us the person will feel it very hard to put an end to it. Some people often stress over the tiniest of things while others have a lot of tolerance towards stress. Regardless, it is something that can definitely take a toll on both physical and mental health if it isn’t handled on time. This is where the need for stress management comes into the picture and one should never click its importance in today’s life. Let’s just face it, stress is something that not just affects the brain but it has so many connections with your entire body. For some, stress has the capability of manifesting anger, exhaustion, sadness, mood swings, panic attacks, insomnia, and many such things. The key to assisting or manage stress is directly linked with learning certain skills that help you cope with stress and also raises those endorphins in your brain that will help counteract feelings of stress.

Dealing With Stress

If stress knocks at your door that doesn’t mean you have to deal with that! There exist several techniques, therapies, and activities that help relieve stress. Out of them, exercise is what has proven to be the most beneficial and natural way of reducing stress. Of course, you must be wondering why physical activity alone, right? This is because physical activity has the capability of producing the cortisol levels of the human body; for those who don’t know cortisol is nothing but our body’s stress hormone. And if we get active and break a sweat, our body will produce endorphins that will help our mind and body to relax. When you do this, you will be sleeping better, you will have a clearer mind, and you will also enjoy an improved mood. While studies say that any exercise has the capability of reducing stress, we did a bit of research and I wanted to introduce you to our favorite exercises that will specifically act in connecting your mind and body whilst promoting instant well-being and feelings of calmness. The following exercises will provide you with a good workout session for your body and will also help you relax and feel therapeutic. Read on and pick your favorite from our favorites.



How it works to cut down the stress: Yoga is a very popular form of mind-body practice that helps in bringing physical and mental disciplines together which helps you relax and also increase your physical flexibility and strength. Yoga is considered to be a form of strength training that makes one more flexible and resilient and this in turn relieves all the physical and mental tension from the body. Yoga makes use of deep breathing and this specifically triggers the human body’s relaxation. Several studies show how yoga can help in reducing one’s stress, it also lowers heart rate and blood pressure levels. Anybody belonging to any age or any kind of fitness level can participate and practice yoga and also benefit from it. There is this disbelief that one has to be strong and flexible to get the yoga mat, however, this isn’t true! In the world of yoga, there exist several different styles, intensities, and forms of yoga and its posters that anybody can find their fit and begin with.

How to do it: There are yoga classes that appeal to all ranges of ages, fitness levels, and temperament which are bound to certain gyms, fitness studios, and even certain community colleges. Find the one nearest to you and get enrolled for yoga. Certain classes like Hatha, are considered to be gentler and tend to focus mainly on stress reduction. You can also practice yoga in the comfort of your home if you find a good online yoga teacher.


How it works to cut down the stress: Pilates can be considered as a group of exercises that emphasize body awareness, proper alignment, and core strength. Its fitness system is made to strengthen muscles, flexibility, and improve body posture while laying focus on mental awareness. Certain studies have proved that Pilates helps in relieving both anxiety and stress symptoms. Doing Pilates will release tension from the muscles and Pilates exercises are performed by emphasizing breathing techniques that will help boost oxygen levels to your brain, and this, in turn, will make you feel calm.

How to do it: A machine called the reformer is used generally to perform Pilates and this is available in Pilates studios. Or one can also perform Pilates on the mat on the floor. Get enrolled in the nearest Pilates studio or follow online tutorials that will help you learn Pilates as a beginner.

Tai Chi

How it works to cut down the stress: This is an ancient martial art form derived from the Chinese and it is very non-competitive. It is known to link every physical movement with breath. Another name for tai chi is meditation in motion – it helps in mental absorption which helps everyday worries disperse away. Tai chi has become very popular because of its health benefits that it provides which are very effective both on body and mind. Just like yoga, there are different forms and styles of Tai Chi. There are tai chi health institutes that have proven how tired she improves flexibility, muscular strength, immunity, and also helps in relieving mental pain and achieve serenity and a sense of peace.

How to do it: Tai Chi is generally comprised of hundred-odd gentle and fluid movements that link with every breath that you take. There are many wellness centers, community colleges that offer classes in tai chi.


How it works to cut down the stress: we all look at dancing as a very happy activity to indulge in, isn’t it? Dancing has several mental, emotional, and physical benefits as well. It’s a very great form of workout that not just improves the grace of a body but also its agility as our heart rate races. As much as dancing seems to be fun it is also very stress relieving; it provides this outlet for a person to undergo self-expression and indulge in some creativity. It helps to build confidence in a person and also the ability to express emotions in a safe environment which is very essential for mental health. Also, getting Ruby will help you in weight loss, improve heart health, strengthen bones, and build muscles as well.

How to do it: Zumba, salsa, ballroom dancing, or Square – pick what excites you! You can always find a dance studio or a community center in your vicinity and get enrolled there. Dancing helps lower stress levels and give you happiness. All that you need for dancing is just a comfortable pair of shoes.


How it works to cut down the stress: Gardening is considered to be a very low impact workout, so let’s get our hands dirty, shall we? For many, gardening might just be a hobby, but in reality, it is also a workout for them. If you are just reading alone, you end up burning 200 cal in one hour and if you indulge in more strenuous activities like hauling bags of dirt, you will shed up to 600 calories in one hour. Gardening helps you connect with the earth and refreshes your spirit from within. Studies show that gardening directs you to a very positive mood and promotes relief from any form of acute stress that you’re facing.

How to do it: We would ask you to start small, even by planting just one or maybe to her plants will increase your connection to nature. If you feel more ambitious towards gardening then invest in getting a beautiful garden set up at home.



Myth Busted: Exercising at Night Doesn’t Ruin Your Sleep

Exercise is and definitely should be an essential part of everyone’s life. Without exercise, people’s health suffers tremendous loss and disadvantage and loses its flexibility and shape in really no time. That is why exercising is considered one of the unavoidable things in our life daily.

However, the most critical question that arises in young people today is when the most is an appropriate time for working out and exercising. Is it right to exercise at night or should compulsorily exercise in the morning? There is no confirmed or proved answer for this question as such. But, both day and night exercising gives equal benefits at their respective places.

The things that attract many people’s attention also create rumors and myths about the same. In the same way, even night exercising has many myths that are miles away from reality and practicality. These myths must not alter the mind and should not lend an ear; otherwise, they may significantly spoil your views and affect your life.

Exercising at Night

Popular Myths related to night exercises

There are some very baseless but popular myths about exercising at night, and these myths sometimes make people change their decision about exercising at night. People very seriously consider these myths despite them being a waste of time and irrelevant.

Some of such myths can be listed as follows-

  • Night sweats may lead to insomnia:

It is a common perception that night sweats might cause insomnia conditions in people, which may increase to huge extents day-by-day. It is not the right thought because night sweats give more advantages to the people than disadvantages.

People who have insomnia can get enough and proper sleep if they are exercising before bedtime.

Night exercising, followed by a warm water bath, brings energy and activeness to people’s bodies and gives them long-lasting and deep sleep. So, it is indeed wrong to say that night exercising affects your sleep and gives you insomnia in people at any point.

  • Working out after dinner may cause vomiting:

Sometimes, people may start exercising in the night immediately after dinner, which may cause vomiting and uneasiness in them. It is the wrong way of night exercising, should be done after about 30-45 minutes of your dinner. It will keep equal pace with your health and will not cause you vomiting and other uneasiness in the body.

If you want to prevent vomiting conditions, you should have a tight dinner schedule, and they should not be disturbed at any cost. An adequate will help to avoid vomiting conditions even after excessive or vigorous exercises.

The above myths are totally irrelevant and far away from reality. That is why these myths should not be considered by you if you are entirely determined to work out at night instead of morning, and this makes you happy and fresh in the morning and gives you peaceful sleep in the night.

Benefits of Exercising at Night

The following are the benefits of exercising at night, and these benefits are also very appropriate and exact solutions for making your health well and make you stronger and fitter day-by-day-

  • Boosting Muscle Strength:

By performing night exercises, you will boost your muscles much more than you may while exercising in the daytime, as your muscles are strengthened and tightened throughout the day. Then they get incredibly relaxed while night exercising.

Muscle strength is a thing that provides energy and courage to you for performing well the whole day. That is why it is essential to do those exercises at night that will make your muscles relaxed and will help you to strengthen them to a great extent.

Boosting your muscle strength is easily possible for you at night time much more than it will happen in the daytime.

  • Improves your Focus:

When you burst the stress you face throughout the day by exercising at night, you will feel much relaxed and free and be fully ready to meet a new tomorrow with full energy and enthusiasm.

Your focus and attention will improve when you burst your stress and concentrate your whole focus on one thing and do it with full efforts and dedication. Your efforts will surely pay you off when you dedicate everything to the work you do.

You should try night exercising if you want to focus on your life and goals in a much better and improved way or manner.

  • Early wakeups without alarms:

When you get proper and stress-free sleep at night, you can focus on yourself much more throughout the next day, and this way, you can also sustain your energy all day long. With great enthusiasm and energy in your heart and mind at the end of the day, and while sleeping, you can wake up without any alarms and alerts. Your day will greatly freshen-up, and you will be very energetic and lively without any trouble in taking life happily and positively.

Your concerns and worries are not at all a barrier in your way to success and your goals.

  • Best stress-buster for a tough day:

Your stress will surely get thoroughly busted when you exercise at night, which is the essential benefit of night exercising. When it comes to making good social contact night exercising should be your top priority, especially if you are an introverted kind of person.

A few people do night exercising or gymming. That way, you will easily interact with those people and increase your communication and interaction skills significantly. Undoubtedly, exercising at night will be an excellent stress-buster for you and help you communicate to a much greater extent.

  • Healthy nightlife and healthy future:

When people get adequate sleep, they feel happy for the whole day and will also remain energetic for their entire life. With a fresh start, your every day will become essential and unique.

When the physical activity routine sets correctly, you will stay away from all the diseases and worries and lead a happy, stress-free, and successful life. A good nightlife always leads you to a better and bright future and releases all your stress and tensions. So, to get a prosperous and healthy life, you should try to set your schedule so that you can exercise at night daily and remain healthy and active all day long for sure.

The above benefits of exercises prove that your day will become much brighter and better when you exercise the previous night. To boost your energy and spirit, exercising at night can indeed prove to be the best solution for you throughout your life, and you will never regret this decision ever in your life.


The most important thing is to exercise regularly and maintain your health flow from time-to-time. Even if you exercise 2 hours-a-day, it is enough to make your body fitter and make you much more robust than before. A small regular exercise is much better than a vast but irregular activity.

Exercise must follow a schedule and stay regular, and you should keep a particular emphasis on what should be done by you to keep yourself in shape. All these things are a little challenging to be understood in the morning, and that is why night exercising has much more importance than daytime exercising.

Therefore, whether it is night exercising or day exercising, a regular schedule must be according to people’s comfort. Everyone should be alert about not missing their exercises at all. So, you should do all that it takes to keep yourself healthy and fit, whether at night or in the morning.


Endocannabinoid System and CBD: How it Works?

Nature offers a lot of herbs and plants that can benefit the human body. One needs to consume them in a way that can offer desired benefits keeping the side effects away. Cannabis also has lots of medicinal benefits if it is taken in the right manner. It can help one to have a calm nature and relaxed mind despite stressful situations, but one needs to use the same with utmost care.

The curiosity of people regarding CBD is rising day by day. The trend is breaking all records, but do you know how it works? Are you aware of the benefits and harms that CBD does to your body? If not, then you must read on and get to know in detail about the same.

CBD is not magic, but yes, it helps you get cured of several issues. Also, it is one of the latest researches and helps you with several benefits. It cures the body from the inside and lets you enjoy a good life without any stress and anxiety.  CBD is still not permitted in various countries, and there are several restrictions on the consumption of the same.

CBD oil

What is CBD?

Before we get into the discussion about the harmful effects and benefits of CBD on the body, let us first understand what exactly is CBD. It is known as Cannabidiol, which is extracted from the cannabis plant.

There are around 120 different types of these plants, and each one of them plays a crucial role in the manufacturing and extraction of CBD. It is also known as a non-psychotic compound. It means that you are not going to feel high even after consuming it in a good quantity.

Experts and researchers have come up with several theories to prove that CBD does wonders to the body. It offers you relaxation and calms the mind. It is beneficial in helping you treat insomnia and also helps you with skin problems. CBD has shown remarkable results in people suffering from UTI issues, and it is also said to have a good effect on erectile dysfunction problems.

Yes, one needs to keep in mind that it is not yet proven that the oil will give you similar results as every person is unique. It depends on how your body will react to the compound.

Now that you are aware of what is CBD let us move forward and understand the concept of the Endocannabinoid system.

What do you mean by the endocannabinoid system?

It is a complex biological system that works for the betterment of your body and keeps all the systems in working conditions. It also is connected to the brain receptors and gets affected the moment it gets stress signals from your brain.

The connection between CBD and endocannabinoid

The receptors, enzymes, and other sensory parts, when coming together, become a part of the endocannabinoid system. CBD helps in keeping this system in proper working order. It gets in contact with the receptors and heals them with its soothing properties. This makes the brain feel calm and composed. This is the reason that you can get to enjoy good quality sleep when you take CBD.

Every organ in our body is connected to the brain, and a little amount of stress can also make you fall prey to some deadly disease. CBD works along with the endocannabinoid system and helps you cure the stress levels. We all know that stress is the major cause for a number of diseases, and CBD is going to act as your guard for the same. Just make sure you talk to your doctor once before starting with the CBD consumption, and you will get to enjoy a healthy and safe life.

Effects of CBD on your body

Are you planning to take CBD and looking out for the benefits that it can offer? You have landed in the right place. Let us get to understand CBD in a detailed way.

It is suitable for medicinal use because of its non-psychoactive properties. CBD is also beneficial for anxiety, fatigue, depression, and physical disorders, in addition to treating various types of epilepsy. Study to support these arguments is also not missing, and the researchers have proved their facts and figures.

CBD for sleep disorders

CBD is known to heal people who have insomnia. It is not a medicine that will cure it to the core, but it has therapeutic properties that will help your body fall asleep. It relaxes the muscles and receptors of your brain and helps you enjoy a stress-free aura. CBD rejuvenates your senses and relaxes your organs making it easier for you to fall asleep. People who consume CBD regularly also said that they have developed patterns of sleep and can enjoy quality sleep throughout the day now.

CBD offers excellent results in anxiety

If you are suffering from stress and anxiety, then you must keep in mind that CBD is going to help you recover quickly. All you need to do is to have a word with your doctor and get a green signal. CBD will make you feel relaxed after a long and tiring day at work and will give you a sigh of relief from anxiety and restlessness.

A cure for the ones who have depression

CBD is known to offer excellent results for the ones suffering from depression. It heals your mind and gives you a feeling of positivity all around. The stress levels get reduced, and you can enjoy the best feeling of light-heartedness.

Also, the way depression hits your life can be rectified by taking CBD regularly. You must not consider it as a magical medicine as it is not going to do wonders. It is a slow procedure that will cure you and offer you peace of the mind that you had always wanted in life.  

It gives you a healthy heart

CBD indirectly helps you enjoy a healthy life with a healthy heart. Once you are free from stress and anxiety, you can easily get rid of all the tensions in your life. Also, it is said that CBD shows excellent results in curing the blockage of the arteries. Though it does not work like medicine, it helps in the proper flow of blood.

Research and effects of CBD as per the experts

One research, for example, links CBD to reduced cardiac complications, such as heart attacks and stroke. Another brief research showed that a patient’s appetite declined with a dosage of the compound. Several researchers have found an association between CBD and PTSD therapy, such as bad memories, fears, and dreams. Some researchers have proved that it can bring back the sexual interest that you lost because of age or stress.

CBD and pain control

CBD also plays a big part in pain control. When the CBD affects the TRPV1, pain impulses are essentially blocked from affecting the rest of the body. It also brings relief from swelling and pain.

From where can you shop for CBD?

It is not at all a difficult task to find a shop that sells CBD if it is not illegal in your city. There are local stores that offer you the same, and if possible, then you can place an order for the same online too. Also, some pharmacies can provide you with products that have CBD in them.

All you need to take care of is that the quantity you take must not be too high. There are a lot of products available in the market that offer CBD, but it is always recommendable to take the safe ones. Also, you can speak to your doctor and get to know the exact amount that can be helpful for you.


CBD is one of a vast number of cannabinoids present in plants. The substance has many potential benefits, particularly stress, anxiety, depression, epilepsy, pain, and inflammation.

The United States does not control all facets of pure CBD on the federal level, even though it is widely known as secure. The government, for example, does not verify or authorize manufacturers’ pure ingredients. In the area of health arguments, the CBD sector is much obsolete in the science field.

The first step towards safe use is understanding what CBD does to the body. The compound is a feasible method of therapy, but it is uncertain whether it is only beneficial or has some adverse effects also.

12 Possible Ways Intermittent Fasting is Beneficial for Your Health

Intermittent Fasting, also called IF, is hot amongst dieters worldwide. There are many reasons for IF’s popularity. This diet affects most, if not all, systems of your body. You lose weight, improve your response to metabolic disorders like diabetes, lower LDL Cholesterol, blood pressure, and ditch the ugly stomach fat. Phew! And, you live longer and age slower!

Before we dig deep into the health benefits of IF, let’s take a look at what intermittent Fasting is.

Intermittent Fasting is a diet that focuses not on what to eat, but when to eat. It is a way of eating rather than a diet. IF works by making you eat only during a certain time. It designates a specific time of fasting and for eating.

IF is a type of time-restricted feeding in which you eat only in a designated period of eight hours. This means you have your breakfast later in the day and your dinner earlier in the evening, say by 7 pm.

Fasting, as you know, is an age-old concept and is great for health and wellness. It allows your body to use up its stored fat when you fast. And that’s what IF does too.

Intermittent Fasting has made an insurgence thanks to new and very promising research. The heartening news is that the benefits of IF are real. And there is nothing iffy about IF. Read on to know the 12 specific ways it can improve your health.

Intermittent Fasting

Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Research has shown without any doubt that IF can help decrease bad cholesterol and insulin levels in the blood. It can also slow aging, cause weight loss, and reduce inflammation markers inside your system, linked to serious diseases like cancer.

It also improves sleep and digestion and gets rid of pains like bloating and gas.

Here are the 12 main benefits of IF: –

  1. IF Causes Weight Loss

This is the main reason that people switch to Intermittent Fasting. Any type of IF (there are many versions) leads to weight loss.

The crux of the matter is related to how our bodies use glucose stored by the liver for energy. The time required for your body to shift to burning stored fat from using glucose is 10-12 hours. When you are eating normally, your body uses glucose for energy taken from your meal. The fat in your meal is stored in the body fat tissue.

But what happens during fasts is that your body’s glucose stores are depleted very fast, and the stored fat is broken down and used for energy.

The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has many documented studies that show that IF can cause a weight loss within the range of 1.3 to 8 percent.

  1. IF Reduces Blood Pressure

IF can reduce elevated blood pressure. Studies have proved this. IF has been linked to an increased or greater reduction in systolic blood pressure (the lower number).

Unhealthy blood pressure levels can increase your risk of getting heart disease, kidney disease, and stroke.

  1. IF can Reduce InflammationMarkers

IF can reduce inflammation levels. During the fasting period, inflammatory markers are lower than usual, according to numerous studies.

  1. IF Lowers ‘Bad’ Cholesterol

LDL is the bad cholesterol that can raise your risk of stroke and heart disease. IF lowers LDL and also brings down the levels of triglycerides, a type of fat that causes plaques in arteries.

  1. IF Improves Digestion 

Intermittent Fasting can improve digestion. It reduces bloating and gas.

  1. IF Boosts the Functioning of Your Brain

IF improves concentration levels. It can fight the decline in memory that comes with aging because it improves the connections in your brain, and it can also reduce amyloid plaques that happen in Alzheimer’s. It also reduces inflammation inside the CNS, reduces oxidative stress and blood sugar.

  1. IF can Protect You Against Cancer 

Studies show that alternate-day Intermittent Fasting can reduce your risk of cancer. It may decrease the risk of you developing lymphoma. It can also limit the survival of tumors and the slowing down of the spread of cancer cells.

  1. IF can Increase the Cleaning Out of Damaged Cells

Your body gets rid of damaged cells during IF. This detoxification that happens due to halting of eating allows your body to heal and get rid of junk inside body cells that can accelerate aging.

  1. IF Reduces Insulin Resistance

Intermittent Fasting makes your body more receptive to insulin. It can stabilize blood sugar levels in people with type-2 diabetes too.

Insulin resistance is a marker of type-2 diabetes. Fasting causes insulin levels to fall, and this is how IF can reduce the risk for type- 2 diabetes as the insulin levels are normalized.

This is why nutritionists advise that people with type-2 diabetes should approach IF with caution. It can lower their need for insulin or diabetic medication and this increases their risk for low blood sugar, which can also land them in a coma.

Always check with your health provider before trying IF if you have diabetes.

  1. IF Lowers the Risk of Heart Disease 

When insulin levels in your body drop, your heart attack risk falls. Congestive heart failure is the foremost cause of death amongst people with type-2 diabetes.

  1. IF Fights Aging 

Intermittent Fasting increases your lifespan. This is mainly because Fasting builds resistance to age-related diseases like degenerative inflammatory diseases.

  1. IF Improves Sleep

If you finish your last meal by 4 pm or 6 pm, you have many hours before you go to bed. This way, you improve the quality of your sleep. Having your dinner in the evening means you’ll have digested your dinner by the time you hit the bed, which means better sleep.

Going to sleep with a full stomach can lead to bad sleep. It can cause acid reflux or heartburn, which can lead to disturbed sleep.

Another theory is that IF regulates the circadian rhythm, which affects your sleep patterns. If your circadian rhythm is regulated, you’ll fall asleep easily and wake up feeling sharper.


Another thing that begs a mention is that most research related to the health benefits of Intermittent Fasting are animal studies or ones conducted using a small sample size. We need larger studies to be sure about the health benefits of IF.

It also seems that most health benefits of Intermittent Fasting like lowering of bad cholesterol and weight loss disappear once you stop IF. 

Doing IF Safely

A gradual decrease in the hours and days of restricted eating over four months will make sure that you are not faced with the ill effects of restricted eating.

Experts also recommend that you decrease the number of calories consumed on your fasting days gradually to remain fit and healthy.

Also, if you start this diet, you must take care to eat healthy foods that include whole grains and healthy fats and protein. You should stay away from junk foods and limit saturated fats, sugar and refined carbohydrates like in pasta.

You can’t eat whatever you want on the days that you are allowed to eat normally during IF as this can lead to disordered eating and what’s called eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia. You should also remember to stay well-hydrated during the days you fast.

Children, underweight or malnourished people, and those with a history of eating disorders should not do intermittent Fasting at all.

Anabolic Steroids May Affect Male Fertility

How Anabolic steroids work?

Anabolic steroid is a human-made drug focused on building up the manly characteristics in the men. This anabolic steroid prepared artificially is a kind of supplement to the already present hormones in the male body. As Testosterone is an essential hormone for the development of a male body, this drug increase testosterone production within the human body to build muscles and male sex characteristics. Testosterone brings two types of effects on the body one is androgenic that is focused on the development of male genitals, growth of body and facial hair, and voice deepening. In contrast, another effect is anabolic that is focused on increasing bone and muscle mass.

The anabolic steroids have majorly been developed to increase the anabolic properties to build tissues of the androgens while reducing the androgenic characteristics concerned with sexual elements like genital enlargement, sex drive, etc. This drug is used majorly by the athletes for their performance, while non- athletes use it to increase energy levels, endurance. The use of anabolic steroids has increased in men as well as teenagers to help build muscle bulk to make their appearance more “manly.”

The question here arises if the steroid is made to enhance the anabolic effect in the body how it will harm or have side effects over the sex characteristics of a male? But there is a science about the steroid work, increasing the levels of Testosterone in the body and does attack the natural production of Testosterone. This steroid is said to resemble the hormone testosterone and blocks the production of Testosterone in the testicles themselves. Further, the lower natural production of Testosterone in the body has many effects on the prostate glands, brain, and other penial chambers of the body too.

anabolic steroids

Anabolic Steroids and Testosterone

Anabolic Steroids do affect the natural production of Testosterone, disturbs the mechanism of Testosterone the same way. Testosterone can disrupt the hormonal balance, the primary hormone of a male body carrying out various functions. One of the features of Testosterone is to contribute to the sex life. Right from the production of the sperms to erectile functioning, testosterone has a significant role to play.

Anabolic steroids have side effects that many males are unaware of. This drug poses a significant risk of sexual health in the long term and, more specifically, male fertility. The steroids interrupt the natural mechanism of the process and can leave men with many problems that can lead to obstructions in adding or starting their family.

How Anabolic steroids can affect Male Fertility

Low natural Testosterone: Anabolic steroids have a direct effect on anabolic properties. The drug is consumed to build muscle mass and strength in the body. However, the main ingredient responsible for this is Testosterone. The drug adds the artificial supplement instead of the natural Testosterone.

The natural production of the Testosterone from the testicles is hampered, which leads to disturbing patterns in the Testosterone creation compared to the previous state of the body. The decreased levels of Testosterone are responsible for reducing the male libido, sperm count, and even results in erectile dysfunctions. Once this becomes a routine, then the body accepts it, and it becomes difficult to get back to normal. Thus it can have a long term effect on stopping the production and becoming infertile in the future.

Decreased sperm production: Testosterone is produced in the male testicles that are required for sperm production. Even though Testosterone is not a sole hormone that contributes to the creation of sperms but the major contributor to the quantity of sperm produced, males produce sperms on a large scale every day, which is required for having a child. Healthy sperms are not enough if men have a low count of sperms. Little sperms can lead to no fertility, and further men can become incapable of producing the sperms, becomes a lifetime problem, and leave men to be impotent.

Shrinking testicles: Shrinking testicles refers to the size of testicles becoming smaller, a severe concern in the case of testicular atrophy. The testicles shrink or get smaller due to the loss of the germ cells and Leydig cells. Both cells play a role in the production of the sperms. The decreased size of testicles leads to a reduced number of sperms due to lower sperm production too. The problem is not about the smaller testicles, but the reduced size. The reason behind the issue is due to drug consumption and its effect over the testicles and thus fertility.

Cognitive function: The male hormone that takes over many features of the body is Testosterone. It also has a command over brain functions and ultimately the sexual health. Usually, the brain coordinates and sends commands to the testis to produce the male hormone, testosterone, and sperms. But due to the consumption of these drugs the brain could sense the high level of supplement already present in the body and stops commands that are required to raise the level of testis’ natural production of testosterone, as well as sperms lead to a temporary stoppage of sperm production to even zero, and regular dosage of these drugs can also have lifetime infertility. 

Sperm Blockage: The effect of anabolic steroids can also affect the movement of sperms, i.e., the wiggling of the moving journey towards exposure during ejaculation. The track can also be blocked, leading the sperm blockage where it doesn’t reach at the time of ejaculation. Fertility is all about the sperms and semen that enter while mating resulting in the formation of the zygote (fetus)

Male Libido: The sexual desire in men is directly connected to the testosterone levels or sperm production in the body. The disturbed mechanism of Testosterone in the male organ due to steroids can cause low to no sexual desire. This further can affect the overall sexual health of a male, resulting in losing interest in having sex temporarily or even for the future. Sexual intercourse and ejaculation are complicated yet straightforward processes while it comes to becoming a father.

The risk to the Foetus: Infertility also refers to the lack of conceiving the child. It’s also possible that the fetus can be infected—infections during their birth or at the time of delivering the baby. The low fertility ability of the sperm has cases where the children are born with abnormalities. Not necessarily it has to be a woman to be infertile to conceive, but also a low fertile sperm from a male body can also cause this.


Anabolic steroids are in high doses can cause damage to the male fertility permanently, as regular consumption can never help to bring sperm production return to normal. The sperm production takes up to 1 year or more to return to normal after stopping the anabolic steroids. The side effects of the drug cannot possibly be seen immediately, but they do have horrible effects on male sexual health.

It’s not necessary always that steroids alone can affect men’s fertility, but the lifestyle along with it also makes a huge difference. But these steroids affect the Testosterone in the male body, and it has a lot to do with the sexual health of men. Once men play with the natural Testosterone, it is for sure that it will show its side effects, in the long run, depending upon the dosage and duration of consumption of the drug.


Low Testosterone: Are You at Risk?

Hormones helps in regulating various important functions in the human body. While some hormones are common in both men and women, some of them are quite different. One such hormone is that of testosterone. Testosterone is the male sex hormone, which is made in the testicles. This hormone is very important for normal male sexual development and various functions related to the same. Testosterone levels are high during puberty in men and various masculine features are developed at this time. Some of these features include development of facial and body hair, gaining of muscle strength, deep voice and so on. The hormone also plays a crucial role in sperm production in the male body. Thus, it is clear that a misbalance in the testosterone levels in the male body can cause various kinds of problems.


Low testosterone levels – common problem in men

There is an alarming fact about testosterone levels in men. The levels of testosterone start decreasing in men from quite an early age – about 30 years or so. And the rate of depreciation is quite fast. Research has shown that testosterone levels drop by almost 2-4% annually in men as they age. As mentioned previously low testosterone levels lead to various kinds of problems in men, particularly in their sexual life.

Apart from aging, some men generally have low testosterone levels. This is also known as Low Testosterone (low-T) or Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TD). This means that the male body does not have the required levels of testosterone in its system. Various kinds of signs and symptoms become evident when men have low testosterone levels in their body. When not treated in a proper manner at the right time, this might cause health issues in men.

As per American Urology Association, when testosterone levels are less than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), it can be identified as low testosterone levels (Low-T). Interestingly, you will see that various kinds of testosterone boosting supplements are available in the market, which claim to increase the testosterone levels in the male body. The supplements are available in various formats, out of which oral capsules are the most common ones. Testogen is one of the best testosterone boosting supplements, which is made from organic ingredients. The best thing about the supplement is that apart from being highly effective, it has no side effects. The supplement is completely safe to use.

Signs and symptoms of low testosterone levels in men

There are very prominent signs and symptoms of low testosterone levels in men. While some of the symptoms are closely related to low-T levels, others might be due to some different health issues. It is best to seek advice from a healthcare professional to understand the exact situation. Some of the signs and symptoms are as follows:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Reduced libido and sex drive
  • Loss of lean muscle mass in the body
  • Obesity
  • Less beard growth
  • A sense of fatigue all the time
  • Loss of body hair
  • Signs of depression
  • Lack of attention, focus and concentration
  • Poor memory
  • Low endurance and low energy levels

If these signs and symptoms appear in individual form, it might not be due to low-T. However, if you see that you have many of these symptoms, it is better to seek consultation with your doctor at once.

Reasons why testosterone levels drop in men

A drop in testosterone levels in men is nothing very alarming as this is one of the most common problems seen in males. The decrease in testosterone levels in the male body is a natural part of the process of aging. Along with natural aging, there might be other factors too which might impact testosterone levels in the male body. There might be some kind of injury which might have been inflicted on the testicles and this can be a cause for low testosterone levels. Other than this, use of radiation and chemotherapy for treatment of cancer in the genital area is also responsible for low testosterone levels in the male body. Ailments of the pituitary gland or use of steroids are also responsible for low testosterone levels in the male body.

How sexual life is impacted with low testosterone levels?

When a man has low testosterone levels in his body, there can be important health effects, particularly the sex life of a man can be hampered drastically. Men who have low levels of testosterone usually suffer from erectile dysfunction problem. This means that they have problems in getting an erection and even if they get one, they cannot sustain the erection for long. The erections which might take place might not be hard and might not last long. Also, there is lack of libido in men who have low testosterone levels. His desire to have sex declines and that will have negative impact on any relationship that he has. Due to the problem, the extent and intensity of sexual activities decrease for the man. Partner relationships go for a toss. Infact many marriages have also broken due to this problem.

Other health concerns which are related to low testosterone levels in the body

Apart from affecting sex life of a man, there are other serious and long-term effects which can be seen in the male body due to low levels of testosterone. Many men suffer from extremely low levels of testosterone and for them their bones become very weak and brittle. This condition is known as osteoporosis. It has been seen that men suffering from osteoporosis are highly prone to injury and bones are affected. It also takes a long time for them to heal from the bone injuries as the bones are not strong. The endocrine system and metabolism of men are also affected by low testosterone levels. Last but not the least, men with low testosterone levels are at high risk of death caused from heart ailments.

Diagnosis of low-T problem

Now you have a clear idea regarding the signs and symptoms which are associated to low testosterone levels. If you have erection problems along with low sex drive, fatigue etc. don’t lose time or ignore the issue. Contact a doctor immediately and report your problem. The doctor will carry out a blood test and the results will show if you have low testosterone levels. The levels of testosterone fluctuate throughout the day. Therefore the doctor might ask you to have more than one blood test for confirming the case. Usually the levels of testosterones are highest in the morning time.

Treatment for low testosterone levels

If your blood reports show that you suffer from low testosterone levels, you will be advised to carry out testosterone replacement therapy. Rubbing testosterone gel on the shoulders or arms of the man can help in increasing testosterone levels. There are other methods for the treatment as well. A patch can be worn which slowly releases testosterone into the blood of the man. Shots can also be taken into a muscle for boosting low levels of testosterone. Pellets which go under the skin are also used by many men. Oral replacement therapies are also available but they are usually not recommended for testosterone replacement therapy. Men suffering from prostate cancer should not opt for these treatments as cancer growth might increase with this.

5 Yoga Asanas That Will Treat Groin Pain

Groin pain is not very common and can be embarrassing to address. Pain in the area of your hip that is between your stomach and thigh can be termed as groin pain. Groin area includes 5 muscles that help you to move your leg. These are adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, gracilis, and pectineus. It can be caused due to many reasons most common being an injury from any physical activity. Other common reasons such as muscle strain, strained ligaments, or tendons in the groin area can cause groin pain. Playing any sport like football, hockey, or rugby can also lead to groin pain. Other problems like kidney stones or an inguinal hernia can cause pain in the groin area as well.

Mostly, groin pain causes do not require medical assistance as it can be treated at home only. Certain asanas can aid in relieving pain and provides flexibility in that area. However, it is necessary to perform all the asanas with patience and correct guidance to prevent any complication. As performing the asanas in the wrong manner can further cause more pain. It is also important to stretch before performing the poses as some people have stiff bodies due to a lack of physical activities as well.

Below given are the 5 asanas that can treat the groin pain.

Supta Baddha Konasana

Supta Baddha Konasana

The sputa baddha konasana or reclining bound angle pose also known as reclined cobbler’s pose.

  • Lie down straight on a yoga mat, bend your legs at the knee area and bring your feet close to each other and try to join the soles of the feet together while keeping the toes pointed forward.
  • Press the outside of the knees towards the floor and feel the stretch at your lower abdomen, inner thighs, and the groin area.
  • Now bring your heels close to your hips to aid in any knee problem while maintaining even breathing.
  • Rest your arms on the floor beside your body with palms facing up and keeping your fingers apart. Avoid any stretch at the shoulder level and rest your shoulders completely on the mat.
  • Get your chin down in order to relax your neck and facial muscles. Make sure there is no unwanted stretch anywhere.
  • Focus on your breathing and gradually deepen your breath by increasing the amount of air you take in. Ensure that your body goes upwards while inhaling and squeezes in while exhaling.
  • Push your knees towards the ground as you exhale and practice the asana for about 20 breaths. To relax slowly bring your legs to the floor and relax the knees and ankles.


Vrikshasana or the tree pose improves posture and balance. It improves flexibility in the groin area.

  • Stand with your feet apart with around 2 inches of the gap.
  • Focus on your breathing and while exhaling bend your right leg and place the foot on the inner side of the left thigh.
  • While inhaling raise your arms and join them together in a Namaste mudra.
  • Stay in this position and practice deep breathing. Expand the stomach muscles while you inhale and pull them in while exhaling.
  • Stay in the position for as long as you can and focus on a point in front of you.
  • To relax bring your arms down while exhaling and then bring the right foot down to the floor.
  • Continue the same with the other foot.

Janu Sirsasana

Janu sirsana or head to knee forward bend where janu stands for knee and sirsa stands for head.

  • Sit on a yoga mat and open your legs straight in front of you.
  • Inhale, and bend your right leg in such a manner that your heel touches the side of the left thigh.
  • Try to rest the right knee on the ground if possible. You can use a blanket to support the knee if the knee doesn’t touch the floor.
  • Press the right hand against your inner right groin and left hand beside the hip on the floor.
  • Exhale and turn the torso a little towards the left. Now bend forward and line up your navel with the middle of the left thigh.
  • In an attempt to go deeper avoid collapsing the chest or pressure on the spine.


Ustrasana or the camel pose

  • Stand in the middle of the yoga mat and bend your knees to balance yourself on the heels or sit in vajrasana. After sitting in this position focus on your breathing and raise your spine by pushing the lower back on the heels below.
  • Stand on your knees and raise the body away from the heels and keep the back straight. You can use support by placing a blanket under your knees to perform the asana better.
  • Focus in front and slowly raise the body with few breaths. Try to tuck your stomach in as well when raising the body.
  • Now ensure that knees are shoulder distance apart or hip-distance apart. Do the same for the feet as well. The feet, knees, and hips should be aligned perfectly. That is your knees and ankles should be in a straight line.
  • Place your hands behind you, just below your hips with elbows pointing backward. Take the shoulder behind while holding your hips and hold until few breaths.
  • Slowly raise your body upwards and take the body behind curved inwards and downwards. Make sure that your thighs are straight and tight.
  • Inhale and place your palm behind you on the heels. Raise the chest upward and bring the spine inwards and release your head and neck backward.
  • Take a small breath and focus on the lower back and neck as a lot of stretch is felt there. Try to push the spine deeper and chest higher with every inhalation. The weight of the body should be equally supported by your legs and arms.
  • After taking a few breaths exhale slowly and bring your neck and shoulders back to a comfortable position and relax your hands, back, and legs as well.

Setu Bandhasana

Bridge Pose

Setu bandasana or bridge pose

  • Lie down flat on your back on a yoga mat.
  • Now, slowly bend your knees and keep your feet on the ground with hip-width space between the feet and hips.
  • Ensure your knees are in a line with your ankles and the feet are close to your buttocks.
  • Place your hands on the mat parallel to your body with palms flat on the mat.
  • Inhale and lift your body upwards, off the floor. Roll your shoulders and attempt to touch your chin to your chest while keeping your head straight.
  • Emphasize on your buttocks and ensure that your thighs are parallel to each other. Try to push your torso upwards and join your fingers together behind your back on the mat.
  • While maintaining your breathing try to hold the pose for about 30-60 seconds.
  • Now slowly get down to the mat and lay flat on your back again to relax for a few seconds and repeat a few times.

TestoGen Review

Testosterone is an important hormone in both men and women. But, in men, it is found in much larger quantity and is a measure of manhood. It is responsible for the development of many male characteristics. But, the body needs to continue with the production of testosterone levels for it to work properly. Its production starts to decline as one begins to age. It can lead to a number of issues, some more serious than others. If you love to work out, but are unable to build muscle mass, the problem might be low testosterone. If your sex drive is declining or you are experiencing mood swings, it might be due to small testosterone production in the body. Doctors prescribe testosterone injections and medications to help overcome the problem. But these medications cause many unwanted side effects. Thus, it is best to opt for something natural that will not only increase testosterone levels in the body but offer other health benefits too. One such product in the market is TestoGen. It is a dietary supplement that is gaining huge popularity because of its effectiveness. But, are these true?


What is TestoGen?

TestoGen is one of the most popular testosterone booster supplements in the market today. The product is manufactured by Advanced Health Limited, which is known for its health supplements and other medications. It contains 100% natural and safe ingredients that are picked by the top researchers and physicians.

Testosterone is also called the male hormone and is responsible for many functions in the body. Low testosterone in the body can cause several problems such as low stamina, lack of motivation, tiredness, low libido, increased weight, and more. TestoGen allows the body to naturally boost the production of testosterone and also prevent the hormone from being converted into estrogen. A higher level of testosterone in the body offers many health benefits.

What are the Ingredients in a Bottle of TestoGen and the Functions of Each of Them?

testogen ingredients

TestoGen is made of all-natural ingredients that allow your body to produce testosterone at the optimal level. These ingredients work together to provide multiple health benefits to its users. Here is a list of the active ingredients in TestoGen and what their functions are –

  • D-Aspartic Acid – This ingredient increases the production of testosterone in the body by about 45%. It allows the body to gain strength and also increase libido. It is also responsible for providing you with the energy needed to work out for long.
  • Tribulus Terrestris Extract – It is a plant extract that naturally boosts testosterone. It helps maintain the optimal level of different hormones in the body, including testosterone. Apart from increasing libido, it also has a positive effect on your mental health. It helps you control your mood swings and relieve symptoms of depression and stress.
  • Ginseng – It is a well-known herb and is quite popular for the several benefits it offers. It helps increase the testosterone levels in the body indirectly. In turn, it helps with erectile dysfunction and also increases libido.
  • Fenugreek – This ingredient is quite popular in cooking in Asia. Researches have shown that it helps maintain the testosterone levels in the body. It helps increase muscle mass and makes you stronger. However, it is most effective when it is used alongside Zinc. It helps increase the testosterone levels and also sperm count.
  • Bioperine – It is derived from black pepper and allows the body to absorb the nutrients from the supplements quickly. Since this supplement contains Bioperine, your body will absorb it about 2000% times more than other supplements without it.
  • Vitamin B6 – Vitamin B6 is directly linked to testosterone in the body. It is required for the binding and also the activation of testosterone level in the body.
  • Vitamin K1 – Vitamin K is essentially needed for stronger bones, but when combined with Vitamin D, it can increase your testosterone levels as well.
  • Vitamin D3 – Vitamin D, along with Vitamin K and magnesium, can help you build muscles quickly. When Vitamin D3 works alongside the other two ingredients, it can boost the level of testosterone in the body.
  • Zinc – Zinc helps increase the testosterone levels in the body and is helpful for those who have infertility. It is also an antioxidant and boosts your overall health.
  • Magnesium – Most people do not get enough magnesium required in their bodies from their diet. This ingredient helps boost testosterone production and also keeps your insulin under control.

All of the above ingredients are easily absorbed by the body so that you can see the results much faster than the supplements made of synthetic ingredients.

How Does It Work?

TestoGen works by fulfilling the deficient amount of testosterone hormone in the body. As men age, the level of testosterone in their body starts to drop naturally.

Testosterone hormone is vital for a number of functions in the body, such as deepening of the voice, hair growth in the body, facial appearance, development of bones and muscles, sex drive, fat distribution, strength, red blood cell production, sperm production, and much more. When the testosterone level lowers, the person may start to experience a number of problems including –

  • Low libido
  • Increased body fat
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Mood swings
  • Reduced bone mass
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Sleep apnea
  • The decrease in energy levels

To help overcome these problems, people are recommended testosterone shots and medications. But these often contain synthetic chemicals that can harm the body in different ways. But, there is a more natural way to increase your testosterone levels without any harmful effect.

TestoGen contains natural ingredients that trigger your body to produce more testosterone in the body. Every component has been carefully picked to ensure that they benefit you. It helps produce the desired results without the risk of any negative side effects. TestoGen helps increases muscle gains and is extremely important for those who are exercising persistently but are unable to see any result. It improves performance during workouts, minimizes recovery time, and allows athletes to train for longer.

testogen reviews

How Does TestoGen Affect Your Body?

TestoGen is known to have a number of positive effects on the body. Here are some of the changes that you will experience once you start taking TestoGen regularly –

  • Burns Excess Fat in the Body – The increased testosterone in the body will boost the metabolism rate in your body. Thus, you’ll start to lose more fat than before. You’ll also find yourself hitting the gym more because of the increased testosterone level that will allow you to burn more fat from your body, leading to weight loss.
  • Helps Build Muscle Mass – If you have low testosterone in the body, you will find it difficult to build muscle mass no matter how hard you work out. To help you build mass and get your dream body, you need TestoGen.
  • Increased Focus and Alertness – If you feel that you are unable to focus on anything, TestoGen will allow you to be more alert. It will help you focus more in a matter of weeks.
  • Increase in Libido – Low testosterone in the body can lead to low libido. Taking TestoGen daily will increase your libido, and you will be able to have a more active sex life than before.
  • Increased Energy – Many people find it hard to get out of bed early in the morning or be motivated to get things done. The reason they experience fatigue might be due to low testosterone levels. With TestoGen, they will find themselves to be more energetic and always ready to get things done around them.
  • Get Rid of Depression and Mental Stress – Many men go through depression due to low testosterone in their bodies. It also affects their moods. TestoGen helps enhance your mood, and you will find yourself happier than you used to be.
  • Increased Power and Strength – If you get tired easily and are unable to reach your maximum potential, TestoGen can help you break all of the previous records. You’ll find yourself with more strength and power with the elevated level of testosterone in your body.
  • Fast Recovery from Injuries – Higher testosterone levels in the body allow your body to recover from muscle injuries much faster so that you can work out for longer periods with any break.

What is the Recommended Dosage?

TestoGen is sold in pill form, making it easy to consume. There is no need for you to measure the dosage so that you get the right one. Every bottle of TestoGen contains 120 pills. It is recommended to take about four pills each day to be able to enjoy maximum benefits. It is best to take the four pills in the morning on an empty stomach. It is best not to take more pills than as recommended by the manufacturers just because you want fast results. For best results, it is advised to take a break from the supplement for about a week and a half after every eight weeks. It will help prevent the body from getting used to it.

Does it Cause any Side Effects?

There are currently no known side effects to using TestoGen. Since all the ingredients are natural and have undergone extensive trials, they are safe for all adults. But, one must take only the recommended dosage of TestoGen. If you are on other medications, it is advised to consult with your doctor before you start TestoGen. Also, if you develop any allergies from any of its ingredients, stop the use of supplements immediately, and get yourself examined.

How Much Does TestoGen Cost?

TestoGen is available on the manufacturer’s official page. There are three different packages you can choose from –


Packages Total Number of Capsules Price Total Savings
One Month Supply


120 capsules $59.99 $10.00
3 Months Supply + 2 Months Free 600 capsules $179.99 $169.96
2 Months Supply + 1 Month Free 360 capsules $119.99 $89.98

You also get a free ebook with the 5 Bottles package, which offers a number of tips on ways to boost your testosterone levels naturally.

order testogenTestoGen is available for shipping worldwide, and there are no shipping charges. The company also offers a 100-day money-back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with the results, you can return the bottles and get a refund.


  • Contains powerful natural ingredients
  • Undergone extensive research and is very effective
  • Does not cause any side effects
  • Fast results
  • Needs to be taken orally
  • Reduces body fat and help you lose weight
  • Promotes muscle growth and increases strength
  • Increases sex drive
  • Improves quality of sleep
  • Shorten recovery time between your workouts
  • no shipping charges


  • Expensive if you are buying just one bottle
  • It is not available offline

Customer Testimonials

testogen review results

“At first, I thought TestoGen was just another supplement. But, I started to notice differences within a month of using it. Not only have I gained muscle mass, but I also have more energy and stamina than before. I am more confident now, and love the way I look and feel now!” – Nolan b.

“I was looking for a supplement to help me lose weight and gain lean muscle. TestoGen is the only supplement that has worked for me so far. I have gained 7 lbs of lean muscle and have never felt better.” – Kevin R.

Final Verdict – Should You Try It?

A lot of supplements available in the market just contain a few vitamins and minerals. They do not necessarily do anything to increase your testosterone levels in the body. TestoGen, however, contains all-natural ingredients that boost the natural production of testosterone without any harmful side effects. It also helps you overcome the effects of low testosterone that you might have been suffering. If you had tried out testosterone boosting supplements before but failed to see any results, you should definitely give TestoGen a try. Even though there is not much that you can do about aging, you can certainly help overcome issues with it by taking TestoGen daily. You can take advantage of the 100-day money-back guarantee and try to the product before you order another bottle. Make sure to take the dosage as recommended by the manufacturer to see excellent results.

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