Bluechew Review


Imagine working your butt off. Cash in your pocket. A house, a good car in your garage. All set financially, and you have done well to establish yourself as a successful individual.

The next focus for a career-driven person is to find a mate. For that, the person has to socialize. To socialize in this era is very easy. There are bars, clubs and all sorts of places where single men and women gather to party. So maybe a few drinks later, you eye a girl. One thing leads to another, and she ends up going home with you. You get home and then after a few glasses of wine and some casual talk, it leads to the bedroom. You get your clothes off, and so does she. Now, this is where you are in a bit of a twist.

Your body doesn’t respond. Your manhood doesn’t wake up making you feel like a bum, like really embarrassed. This is a very common scenario that happens these days. The person engorges on work and is so stressed out by so many things that he just can’t perform in bed when he wants to.

This situation is very troubling for any person.

This is exactly where “Bluechew” comes into play. It is a company that provides chewable erectile dysfunction pills for those who suffer from performance anxiety, erectile dysfunction and stress. The best thing about it is that now you only need an online chat with a doctor and your prescription is ready. So minimal Hassle and best experience guaranteed.


What Is Bluechew ?

Bluechew is a chewable pill which helps in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and performance anxiety. It deals with the above issues by giving you a better alternative for Viagra and Cialis since they mix into the blood. It works better than Viagra and Cialis by giving a better form of intake and synthesis of the ingredients in it.

After consulting a doctor online on the parent website, you get your erectile dysfunction pills that is Bluechew in your mail. So you don’t have to go to the clinic or visit a doctor to get a prescription.

How Does It work?

As you already know, Bluechew is a company that produces a chewable alternative to Cialis and Viagra and in turn giving the individual power in bed and confidence and more pleasure. Hailing out of Illinois, based in Chicago, these are serious doctors who are trained under the prestigious Chicago medical school and are legitimized by the ABFM, The American Board of Family Medicine.

The company provides you with a 20-question survey form. After the team has verified the answers, you are set up to consult with a doctor online. Then when the doctor is cleared with your condition, then you are provided with a prescription. On finishing the process of prescription, then you get the proper component that suits your desire.

There are two variants for Bluechew one is sildenafil and two is tadalafil. The choice of sildenafil and tadalafil is provided by the doctor upon your choice of what you exactly want.

Sildenafil – Released with an introductory name of Viagra by Pfizer, and being approved by FDA for erectile dysfunction, sildenafil is something that improves your blood flow

The human body very complex. What happens when sildenafil enters the body is that it relaxes the muscle and thereby helps hold the blood in the penis for longer. As I said, our body is very complex when the person is aroused, the enzymes that are secreted in the body that help the blood flow to the penis and then hold it erect until intercourse is complete. Due to the presence of stress in the body certain times, this these enzymes are not secreted, and they cause dysfunctional syndrome to the body.

There is a common misconception that sildenafil causes erections, but no it does not cause any reactions it only helps the blood flow to the penis in a very easier way.

Tadalafil – Erectile dysfunction is a very common in men over the age of 40 but what happens is that fact is not entirely true. It can happen to a person of any age. Truffle is known to have helped people overcome the issue of erectile dysfunction.

It can be stress at home, or it can be stress at the office. What this causes is that there will be less production of nitric oxide in your system. This is the molecule that is very much responsible for telling your system to release the cGMP enzyme that hence increases the flow of blood to the penis.

The important thing to note that either Sildenafil or Tadalafil once consumed stays in your body and only comes into action when you are sexually aroused.

bluechew review

How To Use Bluechew ?

Once you visit the web page of Bluechew , you get to take an assessment which will probably take you 20 to 25 minutes to complete. On the completion of the survey, You get to interact with a physician online.

The best thing about this is that you don’t need to go anywhere or wait to see any doctor. You are assigned to a doctor online. After the assignment of the doctor, you then can talk to the doctor. After the proper interaction and addressing of issues, the doctor then guides you to the best available option for you.

Blue chew is easy to use. It is a chewable blue coloured pill that can be orally taken. The only concern arises is what you want. It is because of the fact that sildenafil is designed to last 4-6 hours in your body and tadalafil is supposed to stay for 24-36 hours in your system.

This question or concern can be cleared when you interact with the doctor online to avail your prescription. According to your need, the doctor then decides which component is more suitable for you and hence will issue your suitable choice in a very short period of time.

Is It Safe To Use?

As the components in Bluechew are FDA approved, it is generally safe to use this product. But if you have any health issues, then you should be clearly mentioning the same to the doctor who will be asking you questions. As said before, you will be having a one on one session with a physician online, and the person will be enquiring about your health. The average person should be taking one chewable at a time. If the dosage goes more than this, then the person will face a bad headache with a bit of nausea.

Bluechew acts faster than the usual Viagra or Cialis so the user should be specific about the dose to be taken.


The contents of these products are non-GMO based, which stays perfectly in line with the good manufacturing practice followed in the USA. There are so many other harmful chemicals in the market that would literally take your life.


This compound is also available in Viagra and is known to regulate extra blood flow into the penis. This causes the penis to enlarge and get erect with ease at the slightest of sexual stimulus.

You would experience an erection for 4 to 6 hours.

These are provided in black pouches and are 25mg in quantity. These should be consumed one at a time at least 30 minutes before sexual intercourse. Avoid fatty food at all cost because it makes it tougher for the compound to be extracted into the blood.


These are brought to you in grey pouches. What the compound does is, it brings the blood pressure to a good level to spike the heartbeat during sex for better stiffness. It calms down the prostate gland and the muscles around the area, making it ready for an erection in that 24 hours.

These are available in 2.5mg separate chewable pills in different quantities.

buy bluechew


The benefits of these chewable pills are immense. They help in increasing the stiffness of the penis when the sexual stimulus is provided. They are very much a boost to morale for a person who has a lot of stress and emotional issues.

When the person faces a problem such as erectile dysfunction or performance anxiety, their self-confidence and self-esteem is affected. This small blue pill helps them in ways that cannot be explained.

It is a delight to chew because it is sugar-infused and looks good. They take effect faster than the normal Viagra that is available on the market because of it’s nature of synthesis. Usually, for a pill of Viagra to take effect the time it needs is 30 minutes. But for Bluechew, it takes only fifteen minutes to synthesize and take effect. It is small in packaging so easy to carry around in your wallet.

The sex after Bluechew is amazing, according to customer reviews. The stiffness of the penis stays for a long time. Even if they are suffering from premature ejaculation, they are ready to go again within minutes. Satisfaction from both ends is important in sex and Bluechew aims and hits the target every single time it is in action.

A big misunderstanding when it comes to Bluechew is that people think it makes their penis big.

No is a straight answer. It may seem bigger because of the extra blood flow, but the effects are only temporary.

Taking more than recommended is a huge problem. People are sometimes not satisfied with one and the end up taking 2 or one too many. This is hazardous for a person’s well-being. First off the erection will hurt because of the double effect of blood flow. The person will have a red face which resembles that of a monkey and a terrible headache which is an absolute bummer during sex.

Check Latest Offer On BlueChew Official Website


The person consuming the Bluechew should be very careful of dosage and be critical about it.

It should always be followed according to the doctor’s advice which is given beforehand.

The dosage of the supplement should be under constant check with a physician.

It is recommended to take one chewable pill 30 minutes before sex as per general terms. To learn more about the dosage, it’s best to contact the physician available on the primary site of Bluechew.

After the 20 question assessment and the online doctor’s appointment, you will be given the right dosage according to your specific needs.

Pricing and packages

The pricing of the product has been done competitively. There are packs available, and these packs can be selected according to the amount and duration of the doctors prescription.

Below given are the details:-

Sildenafil 30mg

  • Active plan – 6 per pack – $20
  • Busy plan – 10 per pack -$30
  • Popular plan – 17 per pack – $50
  • Pro plan – 34 per pack -$90

Tadalafil 6mg

  • Active plan – 4 per pack -$20
  • Busy plan – 7 per pack – $30
  • Popular plan – 14 per pack – $50
  • Pro plan – 28 per pack – $90

Cash-back policy

The creator of this product has provided a one month free trial. If Bluechew doesn’t suit you after its use, then as said within 30 days of purchase, you can claim a refund.

The refund will be processed minus the shipping charges taken up by the company.

Additionally, it’s also said on the main website that if the doctor can’t prescribe you the medication, you get 100% cashback.



  • Back pain
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhoea
  • Nasal congestion
  • Hearing issues
  • Upset appetite
  • Vision issues
  • Headaches


  • Digestion issues
  • Flushes
  • Throat irritation
  • Low blood pressure
  • Chronic pain
  • Prolonger erections
  • Light headedness
  • Coughing
  • Nausea

The product has two more things to say to a person:-

Never take more than what is prescribed for the day.

Never consume both Sildenafil and Tadalafil together. Performing this has the power to put the person’s life at imminent danger. These are the main issues of Bluechew.

There is also the general statement where you say that the product should only be used after consultation with an expert.

There are a few general issues looked at very strictly by the organization:–

  • If you consume nitrates
  • If you consume Ritonavir
  • Do not have the condition of ED.
  • Previous record of alcohol or drug abuse
  • Allergic to substances

Special Discounted Price Visit The Official BlueChew Website Now!

Customer Reviews

Martin ~ The blue chewable pill turned around a lot of things for me. It brought new confidence to me. I recommend this to all bachelors with long stressful work hours trying to maintain the balance — a very good product all in all.

Brandon ~ This product was a random discovery. I found it out by searching the internet at 3 am.

It then got me hooked by all its facts. I took a leap of faith and tried it out. It worked out for the best. It has put my physical and mental self-esteem at an all-time high right now.

Mark ~ Bluechew is a wonder product. The time I got to know about the product was very critical. My married life was at jeopardy. This product helped me in a lot of ways. Thank you, Bluechew.



Bluechew is such a tool which helps the male population affected by Erectile dysfunction to have a normal sex life. It’s a chewable variant of the Viagra with a better rate of synthesis. The component, approved by the FDA, has a very good response from the general public male population.

There is also the fact that organizations like Bluechew, are constantly on the rise.

This is because of the expiry of the licence of the product called Viagra.

The company, with all of the claims, also provides the best offer. They offer a 30-day cash back policy. With a class of a kind service, there are clear indications that Bluechew will achieve very high levels in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and performance anxiety.

All in all, Blewchew is such a substance that can be depended on entirely when the person is in need of its help. The person, according to his needs, will then be given either Tadalafil or Sildenafil. This is entirely under the doctor’s discretion.

Bluechew in all respects is the future of old school Viagra and Cialis.

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